If you are over the age of 55 and a woman, you have a 50% risk of developing osteoporosis or osteopenia.
If you are younger, but have a family history of osteoporosis, a history of dieting, steroid or antacid use, have an irregular cycle or digestive issues that may impair your ability to absorb nutrients, your bone density may already be lower than it should be. However this is not inevitable and there are many things that you can do to improve your bone health naturally.
It’s important to eat plenty of calcium rich-foods; sesame seeds, leafy greens, tinned fish and dairy products are all good sources. However bear in mind that for healthy bones, you also need magnesium, vitamin D, boron and vitamin C. Eating a varied diet with lots of vegetables, fish, nuts, seeds, pulses and other vegetarian proteins is a great way to ensure that you are getting what your bones need.
Today’s bone building menu:
Breakfast – Porridge with natural yoghurt, berries and ground linseeds
Morning snack – 2 oatcakes with hummus
Lunch – Rye bread with tinned sardines and avocado
Afternoon snack – Orange and small handful almonds
Dinner – Cod fillet topped with pesto and oven baked, served with a leafy green salad and wholegrain rice
Osteoporosis workshop – diet and exercise from the experts
If you are worried about your bone health and want some practical advice and help you can trust, join our Osteoporosis Workshop this Saturday 28th February. In the hands of Glenville Nutrition Senior nutritionist Glenville Nutrition and Chartered Physiotherapist Audrey Redmond, you will learn how to eat and exercise to prevent bone deterioration and support bone development, at any age. 100% of previous workshop participants recommend the course. Places are limited and booking closes on Wednesday 25th February, or earlier if all places are booked.
Book your place online or by calling us on 01 4020777.