This might be a very wet August but you still have time to boost your natural vitamin D levels if you get out there!
Clinics, Courses, Centres
by Ciara Wright
This might be a very wet August but you still have time to boost your natural vitamin D levels if you get out there!
Irritable bowel syndrome or ‘IBS’ affects 10-15% of people worldwide which is a staggering number. But having this umbrella does nothing to improve your wellbeing other than giving you a label for your symptoms.
by Ciara Wright
You may have seen our recent blog and case study publication on nutrients for thyroid health. But what if you have an autoimmune thyroid condition? The most common cause of thyroid dysfunction, whether it be hypothyroid or hyperthyroid, is autoimmune in nature.
by Ciara Wright
Zinc is an extremely important mineral in our diet. It is a component of one of the most abundant antioxidant compounds in the body (copper-zinc oxide dismutase) and is a co-factor in over 400 reactions in the body, including many steps involved in metabolism. It is essential for the production of sperm and for the development of mature eggs and uterine health in female fertility. Zinc is critical for the production of thyroid hormones and thus regulation of our hormones in general and prevention of miscarriage.
by Ciara Wright
‘You are not what you eat, you are what you absorb’
Might not sound as catchy, but you can have a great diet and make good choices, but if you are not digesting and absorbing your nutrients correctly, then your good diet will not benefit your health.
Glenville Nutrition Clinic
Phone: 01 402 0777