There won’t be as many liquid lunches and crazy parties this year but Covid or no Covid Christmas is still going to be a time where we may overindulge. Find out how to make sure your liver is still talking to you come January.
5 ways with beetroot
You really can’t beat beets. In a study of 40 healthy people it was demonstrated that they were able to better perform on cognitive tests 90 minutes after drinking 450 ml of beetroot juice compared with placebo (apple/blackcurrant juice). The reason for this is the presence of dietary nitrates. These lead to more nitric oxide to encourage oxygen flow to the brain. Remarkable how quick the effects were.
5 ways with broccoli
Broccoli is a real girl’s girl. Very supportive of women’s health. And men’s actually. Here’s why you should be eating broccoli and 5 delicious ways to do so. [Read more…]
Tips to beat a hangover
Planning to celebrate St Patrick’s day and hopefully a big rugby win this weekend? If you are going to party, our top tip is to drink a glass of water between each alcoholic drink. If you are reading this afterwards or have ignored our words of wisdom, tune in to hear Glenville Nutrition’s hangover recovery advice on TV3 this Sunday at 10.15 am. Read on for our tips and new recovery smoothie recipe.
Show your liver some love this festive season
Our body’s second largest organ, the liver has more than 500 jobs to do, including helping the body get rid of unwanted toxins like alcohol and it’s by-products. What can we all do this festive season to show our livers a little more love?