We are delighted to offer the Female EcologiX Vaginal Health and Microbiome Profile. This is a ground- breaking tool for analysis of the vaginal microbiota composition. Using the latest in technology, the profile provides an accurate, reliable and quantifiable measurement of microbiota abundance and markers for host immune responses.
Boost your vitamin D in the last few days of summer!
This might be a very wet August but you still have time to boost your natural vitamin D levels if you get out there!
Immune related fertility issues
Your immune system is an incredibly complex army that protects us from everyday onslaughts of bacteria, viruses and general dirt and grime all day long. However, we know that sometimes it can get a bit out of control.
Fertility Facts and Myths!
Some fertility facts and myths!
We recently hosted a fertility facts morning with Dr Marilyn Glenville, Dr Ciara Wright and Dr John Kennedy, Medical Director at the Sims IVF clinic. We were delighted to present the latest in nutritional support for conception and prevention of recurrent miscarriage. Dr John Kennedy brought us through the basics you need to know and what tests to do. Dr Kennedy has a fantastic ability to translate complex science and break it down into simple terms. Here’s a few gems we picked up from him, dispelling some myths around your fertility.
The fertility friendly diet
Does what you eat affect your fertility?
The straight answer is, yes. Absolutely. There is enough research now to definitively say that your diet significantly affects your ability to conceive and carry a healthy pregnancy.
Essential nutrients for men
For men, new sperm are constantly being made. Essential nutrients such as zinc and omega-3 fatty acids are directly involved in sperm production. Over the following 3 months, sperm mature and develop and need to do so under the protection of antioxidants. Zinc plays a further role here, as does selenium, vitamin C and vitamin E to name the big players. We’ve all heard that the ‘Western Diet’ is bad for us. But even if you are not eating pizza and soda every day of the week, a large number of our patients are low in these critical antioxidant mineral and vitamins.