Making healthy choices can be expensive, especially if you fill your trolley with the latest superfoods grown on the other side of the world. However, you can still eat healthily on a budget, especially if you are happy to spend a little time in the kitchen. Read more below or listen to Glenville Nutrition share her tips with Mrs Smart Money on Instagram on Monday at 8pm.
5 ways with oats
Oats, maybe not ranking quite as high as some on the superfood scale but a food that is super nonetheless. They are quick, filling, nutritious and affordable. They are rich in b-vitamins, calcium, magnesium and potassium but contain more phytates than any other grain. Phytates can bind to minerals and inhibit their absorption so it is important to soak the oats you are going to use overnight in water plus an acidic medium such as lemon, apple cider vinegar, kefir, yogurt or buttermilk.
Stress free meal planning
Getting organised in the kitchen has become increasingly important in recent weeks. The movement restrictions related to COVID 19 makes meal planning the ‘stress less’ option. The luxury of picking up some last-minute bits for dinner is just not possible right now. While online shopping deliveries have restricted time slots, requiring us to think ahead. For many people, a lack of planning and organisation is a real stumbling block to making healthier meal choices. Setting aside some time to create a meal plan and a shopping list for the week ahead can take the hassle out of healthy eating and help to keep your family’s wellbeing on track.
Tips for eating healthily while working from home
It’s hard enough to eat healthily at the best of times and much harder now, with most of us working from home, keeping kids amused and dealing with lots of stress. Read on for some tips on keeping on track with healthy eating, even under the current circumstances or watch Glenville Nutrition on Virgin Media this Saturday at 9.45am.