For parents September is a month of new beginnings, with a sense of a fresh start. The summer season can be loaded with ice-cream, extra treats and tipples and very lazy days. It’s all well and good while it lasted, and we all need to take a break from the norm, but deep down we know we can’t keep it up.
Perhaps you’re feeing a little sluggish or know that your waistband is a little tighter than it was before the season kicked off. Or perhaps it’s just an ongoing health concern that you have been putting off dealing with while you enjoyed your holiday time. September is a great time to get back on the wagon and improve your wellness. Start the new season afresh and regain your energy and vitality. Tackle the autumn with gusto and fuel your body so that you feel ready to take on the world.
Our top tips:
Get back into a better sleep routine
Your sleep cycle usually changes during summer months. We stay outdoors longer in the evening and may be staying up later than usual. It’s time to bring this back and take a look at your sleep hygiene. Are you taking time to wind down in the evening? Try an audio mindfulness or meditation App and get away from the screens for one hour before bed. If you have trouble sleeping, we love the Better You Magnesium spray before bed and a good quality night time tea like Pukka. You might also consider herbal remedies such as lemon balm and Melissa. You should always discuss herbal support with your nutritionists as they do interact with some very common medical conditions and medications.
Bring your lunch to work
You may be prepping lunch boxes for children this September also, but do yourself a favour and prep one for you too! Bringing lunch to work often results in healthier choices. We are not left at the mercy of what is available or how much time we might have to go get it. Usually choices that we have to grab on-the-go are not ideal or you may end up pushing lunch too late if you are very busy. Bring good protein such as cooked chicken, tinned salmon or hummus and falafel and include plenty of raw veg. You don’t have to take too much time here or do anything fancy. Try mini peppers, sugar snap peas, mini cucumbers, cherry tomatoes and radish – these don’t even need chopping up. Alternatively, leftovers are a great option. Typically dinners are well-balanced meals with protein and veg so bringing leftovers is a very quick and simple way to ensure a good lunch.
Go vegan-ish or ‘Flexitarian’
Maybe it’s something you have been thinking about? For environmental and health reasons, we should all be eating more veg and far less meat. Going fully vegan is a big decision and you should definitely get advice from a nutritionist about how to balance your meals, ensure you get enough protein and what essential nutrients you may need to supplement with. But you could easily start September off with a couple of vegetarian days per week. Try out some new recipes online – we love Deliciously Ella, the Little Green Spoon and the Happy Pear. And get to the shops to look for healthier quick options. Thankfully there are lots of healthy ready-made foods now. We love the Irish company Fiid for their super easy lentil and chickpea dishes and there are great options in Aldi and Lidl for falafel, soups and salad bowls.
If you have a bigger health goal in mind, get in touch to find out how we can help. Call us on 01-4020777 or email